Thursday, June 14, 2012

Yellowstone National Park

Aaron by one of the many hot springs
This is called the Artist Paint Pots
Travis and Aaron got the front seats
I got the back with Huey....
Like I said, Old Faithful was pathetic...
This buffalo thought she was Queen of the road! Not very safe for her little calf!
By the time we were headed home, Huey was TIRED!
The last stop of our Yellowstone trip... The infamous picture by the sign.

Fishing at Henry's Lake

June 9, 2012

We took Aaron to Henry's Lake. It was free fishing day, so it worked out perfectly! He was such a trooper getting up at 3:30 in the morning! He is quite the fisherman. He caught a 2 lb. Cutthroat and a 1 lb. brook trout. Travis caught the biggest fish of the day, a Hybrid weighing 3 1/2 lbs! But he is still waiting for his 20 lb fish.. It is somewhere out there in the lake. After we had finished fishing we took Aaron to Yellowstone National Park. He had never been. It was only about 15 minutes from where we had been fishing. When we got to the park, we didn't have to pay because it was free park day! It was awesome! We saw a LOT of buffalo, two elk and a few deer. But never any bears. We walked around the different hot spots and eventually made it to Old Faithful. It was kind of pathetic though... It was really windy and it started hailing right before it erupted! So it wasn't that cool because the wind and hail made it not explode as high. But overall it was fun to see the animals and cool (well I guess hot) sites and it was a quite ride home.

This is Memorial Day. Travis and I caught these fish on Henry's Lake.

Travis fly fishing. He did pretty good. Caught the big one of the day!
Travis and the fish

Hello Everyone!

We finally have a blog! I decided it is time to share the life of Melissa and Travis, not that there is anything secret or interesting about us. But I thought it would be fun to share pictures (if I can get them put up) and stories of what is happening in the Street home.
I hope you enjoy!

Love you all!